Heimurinn vaknar


 Síđan 14 jan. hafa 955 heimsborgarar, skrifađ á bćnaskjal fyrir okkur Íslendinga,


# 955:
5:22 am PST, Jan 16, Kevin Rogers, California


4:36 am PST, Jan 16, Peter P.S. Van Dijk, Netherlands
Why would the people & governments of the Netherlands and Great-Britain care for people that selfishly went abroad for the last tenth procent of interest, leaving their own country financially behind? They took the risk, now let them be responsible for it themselves! Don't dump your reckless failure on the people of your native country, you selfishly left behind earlier, or dump it on the innocent people of Iceland! If the people of Iceland are not responsible for the private banking business, how can they rightfully be forced to be financially punished and ruined, in essences becoming slaves to the New World Order? I WISH THE PEOPLE OF ICELAND YOU ALL THE STRENGTH IN THESE TESTING TIMES. May the Creator and his honest people stand on your side, the side of Truth. Only the Truth will set you and us free.


3:51 am PST, Jan 16, Jan Dominic Bolus, Philippines
People of Iceland, please continue the fight against debt-ensalvement. Your government officials do not have the right to use your money for paying the huge debt of the private bank. You are the ones that should be deciding and not those officials. If you would triumph against this fight for freedom, you will be a great inspiration to the lovers of liberty all throughout the world. Our support for your cause will always be with you. Stand firm and continue the fight for your liberty!
We signed the "Save the People of Iceland - the Official Petition" petition!

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