Bloggfærslur mánaðarins, ágúst 2009

Stjórnborð hótel jörð "GROUP"

CBS " 60 MINUTES" documentary on the swine flu epidemics of 1976 in the U.S. It went on air only once and was never shown again. Please look at this, it talks by itself.

Funding the Flu Game

Political analysts have long suspected that the swine-flu vaccine program was among the factors that cost Gerald Ford the 1976 election;

David Sencer, the director of the CDC at the time, was fired over it.

Then, during the next decade, the government paid $85 billion to citizens claiming injuries from the vaccine itself, including a number of cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome, a neurological disease with some similarities to multiple sclerosis.

Consequently, as much as government scientists may profess to worry about the emergence of pandemic flu strains, it's sub-rosa policy that the disease isn't mentioned in their annual requests for money from House and Senate appropriations panels.

Virologist Robert Webster says he and his colleagues worry about being accused of crying wolf. "If we were able to say for certain that the next one will be like 1918, we would rush to Congress," he says.

The NIH's Joel Breman is frank about what it would take to refocus Congress on the flu: "Of course, what helps — what always helps — is an epidemic."

Úrklippa frá Rollingstone magazine.

Dr. Bill Deagle hefur innsýn í "black projects" og vel að sér í "Bioterror"


Baxter to develop swein flu vaccine despite bird flu scandal.

Donald Rumsfelt m.a. eigandi TAMYFLU!


Kynntu þér málið!



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