Bloggfćrslur mánađarins, september 2009

Samţykki ŢITT eđa EU-WHO-NWO

Ađvörun - Finnland!


Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen Kilde, doctor, diplomat and former
health minister in Lapland,
reports about the unbelievable hidden truths of the life and those world!
Fyrverandi Heilbrigđismálaráđherra!
Varar viđ bólusetnigum vegna H1N1 svínaflensu.
Einnig vinsćll riithöfundur, bćkur á Íslensku,
Dauđinn er ekki til. Sendibođi frá stjörnunum m.a.

Ađvörun- Canada!


DR. Jeffrey Andrew Moulden

Lćknaráđstefna Montreal Canada September 19-21 2009

Taugaskađar, heilaskađar, af völdum bóluefna, frá vöggu til fullorđinsáranna.

Einhverfa, ADHD, MS, Tourett, Vefjagikt, Alzeimer m.a.

Bólusetningar vegna lifrabólgu B/HIV/AIDS

Ađvörun Holland!

Desiree Rover hefur ransakađ sögu bóluefna

"Vaccinations, Weapons of Mass Destruction"

August 1, 2009 at the "State of the Planet" conference, in Amsterdam, Netherlands


MARGAR Ađvaranir - USA!

Dr.Len Horowitz.

Dr. True Ott,

DR. Bill Dagel,

Dr. Russell Blaylock,

Dr. Rebecca Carley,

Dr. Rima Laibow,

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny,

Dr. Mercola,

Phd. Patricia doyle.


Ađvörun - Aron Russo

Opinberun frá Aron Russo

Aćtlun Elitunar/Illuminati/frímúrara/Rocafeller/Rothchild/NWO.


Frakkland frettir.

Baxter fréttir!

GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Baxter fengu m.a. margra miljarđa bóluefna-samninga

Frettir Polland!

Austurríki! Bóluefni senn á markađ
Tilkynna um óviđeigandi tengingu viđ frétt

Brussel EU - fjármála spilling elítunar.



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Links & Sources to the program
EU spends Ł2.3bn a year on Pro-Brussels propaganda

Secret report reveals how MEPs make millions

Westminster’s thieving is nothing compared to what they’re doing in Brussels

The Galvin Report: Audit of 160 EU Parliament members, 2008

The Dark Roots of the EU

Expense Allowance Abuse by MEPs (Video)

New EU foreign policy think tank created - European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR)

The Council of the European Union goes for the All Seeing Eye Logo

EU leaders sign The Lisbon Treaty (The New EU Constitution)

A symbol of the building of the modern world

Former Soviet Dissident Warns Of EU Socialist Dictatorship

End of Nations - EU Takeover & the Lisbon Treaty (Video)

The eugenic-inspired militarization of the EU is a threat to aspirations for world peace

Masonic Influence in the EU

Lords usher in EU treaty with 12-hour farce

Barroso: European Union is 'Empire' (Video)

Franco Frattini wants EU high tech security shake-up

EU gives green light for cloned food to go on sale in UK shops

EU Constitution author says referendums can be ignored

Britain ratifies EU treaty - The Queen signs goatskin “instruments of ratification"

EU “Democracy” Unveiled

EU, Dependent on Russian Energy, Balks at Georgia War Sanctions

Operation Sarkozy

Nigel Farage on the New Euro-Nationalists (Video)

Lisbon treaty storms through Swedish parliament

Obama and EU to reinvent global politics, pundit says (Steps Towards a New World Order)

EU flag and anthem revived by MEPs

Referendum Revolt over the Treaty of Lisbon in European Parliament (Video)

Traditional lightbulbs banned by EU

Kosovo Serbs protest against EU police and justice mission: EULEX

CIA ‘backed’ Irish battle against Brussels treaty

Lisbon Treaty allows for Death Penalty across EU - The "'Summer of Rage" could be Lethal Milljón í skuldir á sekúndu
Tilkynna um óviđeigandi tengingu viđ frétt

Svínavírus - ORACLE – The PROMIS Of The Future!

Háţróuđ tölvutćkni forrit sem "LOFAR GÓĐU"  (frá SVÍNUNUM)

Sem notuđ eru viđ ađ kortleggja

ađferđir viđ dreyfingu á pestum, sem heita ORACEL - PROMIS!





BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS worldwide. Tölvuţrjótar dreifa svínaflensuvírus
Tilkynna um óviđeigandi tengingu viđ frétt

Brćđralag eđa bófagengi.

Sakamálarannsóknir bankahrunsins.

Brćđralag eđa bófagengi.
Stígur Helgason hjá Fréttablainu skrifar um Vítisengla hér á landi.
Svo var í sjónvarpinu náungi, sem er međ forrit til ađ draga upp mynd af tengslaneti
Ţađ vćri nú ţarft verk.
Fyrir ţá,sem eru ađ kortleggja innan-búđar-tengslin.
Ađ skođa í nćrmynd ÍSLENSK blóđbrćđrafélög,
 Leynifélög eins og t.d. Frímúrara.
New Wourl Order-gengiđ
kemur allt úr leyniklíkum,
Skull and Bóns, Skroll and keys, = Illuminati - frímúrarar.
Ormagryfjan er djúp og viđ eigum líka alla flóruna af misindis-fólki úr öllum stéttum samfélagsins.
Legg til ađ tileinka eina glerbygginguna,
sem mynjasafn fyrir brjóststyttur eđa uppstoppuđ sýnishorni af úrvalinu.
 Svona eins og ađrar borgir hafa söfn fyrir ALCAbóne tímabil sögunnar.
Tengill samantekt: Efla ţarf dómstólana
Tilkynna um óviđeigandi tengingu viđ frétt


Að reyna sjá meira gott en slæmt, en vera samt meðvitaður um

blekkingarvef manna.


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