Bloggfćrslur mánađarins, ágúst 2009
Fimmtudagur, 27. ágúst 2009
Stćrđfrćđi ćfingar 33 gráđu gjörninga.
Illuminati-frímúrara sonur-33 ţrívíddar-ćfingar.
360 gráđu wake up call! David Icke.
Alex Jones - hver mun sigra?
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Ef uppvakningar og lifandi menn tćkjust á, hver myndi sigra? |
Tilkynna um óviđeigandi tengingu viđ frétt |
Trúmál og siđferđi | Breytt s.d. kl. 17:14 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (1)
Fimmtudagur, 20. ágúst 2009
Heyra en ekki hlusta - People hearing without listening.
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision
That was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence
In restless dreams I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone
Beneath the halo of a street lamp
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed
By the flash of a neon light
That split the night
And touched the sound of silence
And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more
People talking without speaking
People hearing without listening
People writing songs that voices never share...
And no one dare
Disturb the sound of silence.
"Fools," said I, "you do not know
Silence like a cancer grows."
"Hear my words that I might teach you,
Take my arms that I might reach you."
But my words like silent raindrops fell,
And echoed in the wells of silence.
And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made.
And the sign flashed out its warning
In the words that it was forming.
And the signs said: "The words of the prophets
Are written on the subway walls
And tenement halls,
And whisper'd in the sound of silence."
Written by Paul Kane, (aka Paul Simon) in 1963
Fimmtudagur, 20. ágúst 2009
Oops I did it again!
Dejsa vu - Kjötníđingur!
Ástćđan af hverju Guđ gaf ţeim Cameldýr!
Karma eđa reglulegt innlit hjá tryggingarfélaginu.
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Ólafur Ragnar slasađist |
Tilkynna um óviđeigandi tengingu viđ frétt |
Fimmtudagur, 20. ágúst 2009
CIA - ABC stofnanir - Róbota löggur mćttar til leiks.
Video af ţessum atburđi. IS JOSEPH MOSHE ?
Joseph Moshe BIO - Scientist
He did not send a threat to the White House.
Rather, he communicated that he intended to go
public with information he had regarding the flu vaccine that is being prepared by Baxter Labs, an Austrian company.
Viđtal viđ Dr. Bill Deagle.
Frétta síđa Dailymail!
Dr. David Kelly
HE was an expert in biological warfare agents.
Mysterious Deaths of Microbiologists!
Dulafult Horfiđ skip!,2933,539380,00.html
"The vaccine is manufactured in the Ukraine...hey, wait a minute, isn't that runaway ship that the Russians are freaking out about from the Ukraine? Hmmm. "
Atburđarásin verđur einkennilegri međ hverri mínutu!
Sjá ađra fréttatengla á ţessari síđu.
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CIA réđi Blackwater til morđa |
Tilkynna um óviđeigandi tengingu viđ frétt |
Utanríkismál/alţjóđamál | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (4)
Sunnudagur, 16. ágúst 2009
Marilyn Monroe - Forsetamódel nútimans
Marilyn Monroe Forsetamódel JFK.
Ćttlađi ađ Afhjúpa leyndarmáliđ um hvađ raunverulega vćri í gangi.
En hefđi henni veriđ trúađ.... Viđ erum ţrćlar fegurđar-blekkinganna.
Ţađ eru ţví miđur margar Monroe´s sem hvíla í ţögn í gröf sinni.
Getum viđ séđ munin á lifandi manneskju eđa Leysergeysla.
MK ULTRA in Hollywood.
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Lagst til hvílu hjá Marilyn? |
Tilkynna um óviđeigandi tengingu viđ frétt |
Laugardagur, 15. ágúst 2009
Táknfrćđi tungumál - Sálfrćđi hernađur - Psycho politics.
Psycho politics og nútíma-galdrar.
Listin, vísindin um ađ hafa tangarhald á hugsun, einstaklingsins, í stjórnunarstöđum, pólitik, m.a.
Frankfurt skólinn 1923 - FABIAN félagiđ.
Ađ eyđileggja skipulega, samkend samfélags, siđferđi, hollustu, trú, fjölskyldugildi, níđa stjórnmálamenn, stjórnstofnanir samfélagsins. Tvístra, brjóta, alla siđferđiskend, koma öllum í andlegt ţrot. Halda öllum í hámarks-hrćđslu-gír. Misnota allt og alla. Ţannig ađ fólk treystir eingum lengur. Skapa hámark óreiđu. VANDAM'AL- VIĐBRÖGĐ - LAUSNIR! Kenninginn.
Búa til vandamál- fá viđbrögđ - koma međ einu lausnina.
Mikael Tsarion. Mikiđ efni yourtub/google.
Jordan Maxwell. Frumkvöđull og Kennari myndmál/táknmál
mikiđ efni yourtub/google.
Táknmyndir úr kvikmyndaheiminum.
Sálfrćđihernađur er orđin hátćknilegur.
Skipulagđur- Fjármálastormur
SIMBOLISM Myndmál fyrir undirmeđvitundina,
MINDCONTROL, Dáleiđsla, NLP, Neuro-linguistic programming
BIOTERROR- Sýklahernađur
MICROCHIPPING, Innsprautun á tölvu kubb í líkaman.
HAARP (hátćkni til fjarstjórnunar m.a. heilabylgjur, veđur, geym-stríđ.
Brian Gerrish.
David Icke og fl.
Antoni J. Hilder
European Union takeover of Europe.
American Union takeover of North America which is happening now.
Kynntu ţér máliđ!
Utanríkismál/alţjóđamál | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (2)
Mánudagur, 10. ágúst 2009
Islenska hruniđ!
The financial crash in Iceland early October 2008, is a man made catastrophe.
The financial crash in Iceland early October 2008, is a man made catastrophe. The Government of Geir Haarde as prime minister, and with David Oddson chairman of the Icelandic Central Bank, collapsed the complete financial structure of this small nation Iceland. Although they knew about it more than 1 year in advance, and now they blame the Icelandic businessmen and private bank sector! The Icelandic banks,Glitnir, Kaupthing, Straumur,Spron and Landsbanki are bankrupt.
The World War in the finance crisis, going on to day, is a diabolical, overt act against the populace of the world at large. Where the Secret Money powers in the world, the Illuminati and Bilderberg to name a few, are seeking to establish the New World Order, by setting up a world centralized financial control system. The governments of the world that are working on this plan, willingly or unknowingly, will achieve this through the Central Banks in each country. They do not care of increased unemployment, increase of hunger and disease in undeveloped countries, during the progress of this plan. Along with collapsing independent nations finance structure. They do not care about the World crisis. Their end, justifies their means!
Enslaving a small Nation.
Volume 1.
This new book gives a new and fresh insight into the financial crisis in Iceland, the basic reason, of this serious crash. The Iceland crash is no ordinary financial crisis, it lies in the criminally insane decisions, made by politicians in Iceland. With full support of the parliament Althingi. The events of this autumn are not new or unforeseen, the situation has been building up steadily stronger the last 10 to 15 years. The Iceland Crash is the fruit of total greed, after the greatest national wealth of Iceland was given out to selected few, despite constitutional laws. The Icesave accounts and the aftermath, is a last resort of a scam, before the financial structure of Iceland crashed. At this time it is known that the last 4 days before the Iceland crash, huge amounts of funds were transferred from Icesave UK through Landsbanki, to foreign bank accounts in Cayman Islands, funds which the citizens of Iceland are now responsible for.
The Icelandic Politicians are mostly responsible for the financial crisis in Iceland. But don't want to admit it and take the responsibility. That is a fact. The people in Iceland on the other hand are also responsible for the crisis, since we voted for these so called politicians.. The average Geir and David in Iceland has always spent more than he has earned, that is spend now and pay later. This reflects in a continuing negative external trade balance. In many cases the average Icelander has so much debt that he breaks the No-Ponzi-Game condition. A No-Ponzi-game condition is a constraint, that prevents over accumulation of debt, that is you cant spend more money than your life's income. But now we have also spent, our childrens life income. At least the crooks stole the money from Icesave accounts UK and in Holland, and some more. The Icelandic government is not even researching where the money went from the Icesave account. It is known that the last four days before the Iceland crash,huge amounts of funds were transferred from Icesave accounts to Landsbanki Iceland,and then vanished!
The Antisocial Personality.
Attributes of the Antisocial Personality.
There are certain characteristics and mental attitudes which cause about 20 percent of a race to oppose violently any betterment activity or group. Such people are known to have antisocial tendencies. When the legal or political structure of a country becomes such as to favor such personalities in positions of trust, then all the civilizing organizations of the country become suppressed and a barbarism of criminality and economic duress ensues.The antisocial personality has the following attributes:
The speech that got John F. Kennedy Killed
Utanríkismál/alţjóđamál | Breytt s.d. kl. 18:25 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
Sunnudagur, 9. ágúst 2009
David Wilcock
David Wilcock er Californiubúi.
Hann er međ stórt höfuđ og mikiđ innihald.
Vísindi, andleg mál, samsćri, stjórnmál, "black ops" svarthols upplýsingar, tónlist.
Fínn Bloggari, heldur fyrirlestra út um allan heim.
Er ađ vinna ađ kvikmyndum og tónlist.
Lýđrćđisriddari, Afhjúpari, Sannleiksdáti, á gott međ ađ tala, taka saman flókiđ efni og kynna ţađ fyrir "venjulegu fólki"
Mikil eftirspurn eftir honum á t.d. útvarpsstöđvum á netinu. - Afrit - Svipađar síđur
Sunnudagur, 9. ágúst 2009
Leiniţjónusta fólksins!
Afhjúpa ósiđlega framkomu
Á síđunni segir ađ nánast allt sem viđ teljum dýrmćtt í umhverfi okkar sé ađ einhverju leyti háđ góđum stjórnarháttum heilsa, matarbirgđir, athafnafrelsi, menntun, friđsćld og svo framvegis. Sé litiđ til sögu stjórnmála og ástand mannkyns í dag er ljóst ađ frumskilyrđi góđra stjórnarhátta eru opnir stjórnarhćttir.
Sagan sýnir ađ sveigjanlegustu stjórnarhćttirnir eru í samfélögum ţar sem opinber skrif og útgáfa eru vernduđ. Viđ viljum veita ţá vernd í samfélögum sem ekki geta tryggt borgurum sínum hana. Viđ trúum ţví ađ Wikileaks sé besta leiđin til ađ styrkja lýđrćđi og góđa stjórnarhćtti um víđa veröld.
Wikileaks er ekki formlega tengd alfrćđiorđabókinni Wikipediu en síđurnar deila ţó sama viđmóti og tćkni. Ţćr byggja ennfremur báđar á ţeirri heimspeki ađ ţekking fólks aukist og dýpki ef henni er safnađ saman međ ţví ađ heimila öllum notendum ađ skrifa inn á síđurnar.
- Iceland mulls bank secrecy reform
- Iceland court lifts gag order after public outrage
- Kaupthing leak exposes loans
- Kaupthing Leaks Expose Unusual Lending Practices
- Kaupthing-Bank von Großaktionären geplündert
- Islands Finanzelite am Pranger - Eigner plünderten Kaupthing
- Iceland's Independent People: It's Time To Clean House
Viđ ţurfum ađ stiđja viđ síđur eins og wikileaks.
"Whistleblowers" sem gćti útlagst, sem flautuţyrlar.
En ţađ fólk er oftast í miđri hringiđju atburđanna.
Ţađ hefur ađgang ađ tilheyrandi gögnum. Um ólöglega gjörninga, spillingu, fjármálaglćpi innanfrá, alţjóđaglćpi og glćpi gegn mannkyni.
Gaman vćri ađ fá ykkar innlegg í hvađ kalla á svoleiđis hetjur á Íslensku.
Einnig linka frá íslenskum hetjum sem hafa djúpa innsýn í Íslenskan veruleika.!
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Leyniţjónusta fólksins |
Tilkynna um óviđeigandi tengingu viđ frétt |
Laugardagur, 8. ágúst 2009
Operation overwatch- yfirlit frá fólki um FEMA!
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- The conscius media network Fjölbreytt og frćđandi viđtöl viđ fólk
- Útvarpsstöð fróðleiksefni. Viđtöl fjölbreytt efni.
- Útvarpstöð sem er ekki í eigu stórabróður. Viđtöl viđ fólk um efni sem ekki er haft í hávegum annarstađar.
- FÉSIÐ- FACEBOOK/morgunn Fylgist međ ţar-hvađ er í gangi.
- Camelot - hringborð riddarans. Svarthols - upplýsingar - lífsreynsla.
- Dr. Deagle, Dr. True Ott, Lćknar í beinni útsendingu! "BIOTERROR"
- Uppflettirit - Educate your self! Faliđ efni- á leiđ í ljósiđ!
- Dr. David Kelly- Expert in biological warfare. Ministry of Defence - Strange_Death_of_David_Kelly
- The sound of silence - Mindcontrol The Antithesis of Freedom
- Theduderinok- Educational- Rithöfundar-vísindamenn
- Wikileaks uppljóstranir um glæpi Uppljóstranir skjöl um hruniđ á Islandi
- Heimildamyndir, Documentary films Frćđandi heimildamyndir um samtímann
- Dr. Leonard Horowitz Oxysilver- Live h2o
- Dr. Robert Beck protocol Falin lćknavísindi
- Oxysilver Styrkir onćmiskerfi líkamans
- Natural Immunization Falin lćknavísindi
- Love H2O Heilun með vatni. Eiginleikar vatnsins.
- Super foods- Fæði framtíðar. David Wolfe- heilsu guru.
- Superfood- Besta heilsufæði. Lifandi matur af bestu gerđ.
- Naturalnews-heilsuvörur fréttir Heilsuvísindi-vítamín upplýsingar.
- Nýjungar-vitamín puls 2008 Ransóknir-vítamín-heilsu málefni.
- Dr. Deagle utvarp viđtöl viđ lćkna og fl.
- Naturalnews D3 vitamín
- Grassrootshealth D3 vitamín
- Heilsufrettir D3 vitamín
- Vitamin D and Cancer Vitamin D3
- Gal OPIN augu Ransakar samsćri.
- Mótmæli-skyldubólusetning-aðgerðir Opiđ bréf til heilsu-ráđherra allra ţjóđa!
- Henry Kissinger -Population control-útrýming 80% Henry Kissingers-Útrýmingaráćtlun-á mannfólki.
- Afhjúpar skjöl, um alþjóða glæpi. Alţjóđaglćpir, Íslenskir einnig
- Dr. Rath, Holland Draugar Auschwitz í Mexcico
- Canada doctor varar við "bioterror" Ransakađ, bók Medical Mafia
- Dr. rath, 'Akæra um fjöldamorð 22.juni 2003 Ákćra á lyfja-risana.
- Lögleg óhlýðni! Ástand Þjóðar Brian Gerrish-common purpose-Julia Middleton
- Brian Gerrish- Ástand þjóðar! Opnar augu fólks- um hvađ er í gangi!
- Íslensk REIÐI! Ástand þjóðar Myndband
- Freeman perspektive Trúarbrögđ Elítunar skođuđ!
- Frímúrarar-Illuminati- nærmynd Illuminati birtingamyndir í atburđum heimsins
- OPINBERUN - VAKNING! Ásýnd - Viđvaranir- Opinberun
- Aspect! Apocalyps now! Ásýnd -Ástand -Áćtlun-
- Criminal charges have been filed in France Mass H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccination in France By 28 September, 2009
- Vaccine producer GlaxoKSmithKline. Sir Roy Anderson, also receives 116.000 pounds Sterling from flu vaccine producer GlaxoKSmithKline.
- French Government Plans Mass Swine Flu Vaccination Program Frakkland- fjölda-bólusetningar
- VeriChip - Rauters VeriChip shares jump after H1N1 patent license win
Góđir pennar
- David Wilcok- Divinecosmos Vísindi, andleg mál, samsćri, framtíđar spáari.
Fréttir - Heimspressan
- Dalymail -fréttir Swinaflensu - afhfupanir- bólusetningar
- Telegraf - fréttir Fréttir- Bóluefni drepa fólk!
- Infinite unknown - Baxter glæpir Fréttir- Útsent 72 kg af eytri!
- The Sydney morning herald-fréttir-ásakanir Indonesia accuses US of bird flu plot
- Citypaper Baltimore Bóluefni - Mercury Rising
- The crow house - bólusetningar Heilbrigđis/ráđherra/ Bćnaskjal og fl.
- Natural news Heilbr.ráđh. Nýja Sjálands v/BAXTER´s EITURS
- Guardian Fréttir Expert advisers on TAMYFLU
- Fox phonix fréttir Guillain-Barre Syndrome- lömunarveiki
- Soft Kill - The Coming American Genocide global mass vaccination
- Blog um labvirus
- BOHEMIAN GROVE - Elítu klúbbur-Fórnaratafnir Fórnarathafnir Elítunar
- INFOWARS Alex Jones Frettir - Heimsins
EU fréttir
- The Empire - The City London-Washington-Vatikaniđ
- Wise up Europ Lissabon treaty
- ELITE - PSYCHOPATHY Illuminati are not fully human - Heimselitan
- Psychopathic personality Personality of the elite
- EU-Club of Rome Leinifél/EU-elítunar
- World Government - EU Post democratic world - lögregluríki
- Brussel fréttir EU- Evrópu-Frímúra - stofnun
- Timesonline-fréttir Spilling-EU
- Redice-viðtal-fjármálaspilling Brussel Marta Andreasen - Brussels Financial Fraud within the European Union
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